Electrical installations, low voltage and automation – company office building KAJA.

Employer / Client: Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane „ KAJA”

Installation of electric and automatic systems for sewage treatment station.

Employer: EKOBUDEX Gdańsk
Client : Zakłady MORPOL Duninowo koło Ustki

Installation of electric, telecomunication and automatic systems for Police Station in Kartuzy.

Employer: Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane „ KAJA”
Client : Komenda Wojewódzka Policji w Gdańsku

Automation lines – pill production line KORSCH, Purified water station.

Employer / Client: ZF POLPHARMA Starogard Gdański S.A.

Automation installations in sewage treatment station „Dębogórze” w Gdynia.

Employer: Budimex-Dromex S.A.
Client : PWiK Gdynia

Installation of electric and automatic systems for sewage treatment station.

Employer: EKOBUDEX Gdańsk
Client : Zakład SMOLAREK w Pawłówku

Installation of electric and automatic systems for sewage treatment station.

Employer: EKOBUDEX Gdańsk
Client : Zakład EKPOLS Deszczno k. Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego

Installation of electric and automatic systems for sewage treatment station.

Employer: EKOBUDEX Gdańsk
Client : Zakłady KORAL w Tczewie

BMS, low voltage installations in Production Research center Pol-Nil complex in Warsaw.

Employer: LSMW Sp. z o.o. Total Life Science Solutions Oddział Polska

Installation of electric and automatic systems for sewage treatment station.

Employer: EKOBUDEX Gdańsk
Client : Zakład Uboju Drobiu w Crystowie koło Ujeścia

Electrical and telecommunication installations in the main production building FSP “FILOFARM in Bydgoszcz.

Employer / Client : Farmaceutyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy FILOFARM w Bydgoszczy.

BMS installation in Warsaw pharmaceutical plant„POLFA”.

Employer: WZF „POLFA” Warszawa
Client : WZF „POLFA” w Warszawie

Installation of automatic system of Raising Pressure station “Wileńska” in Gdansk.

Employer: Elektromontaż Gdańsk S.A.
Client: GPEC Gdańsk Sp. z.o.o.

Installation of electric and automatic systems for sewage treatment station.

Employer: EKOBUDEX Gdańsk
Client : Zakład Przetwórstwa Rybnego „SoNa” w Koziegłówkach koło Częstochowy

CCTV system modernization – Police Headquarters in Gdańsk.

System BMS for hotel complex at Arkońska Business Park.

Employer: Torus Sp. z o.o.
Client: Torus Sp. z o.o.

Smoke ventilation automation system for Ekolan – Garage II.

Employer: BSH Klima.
Client: Ekolan

Automation of Smoke Exhaust ventilation for the EKOLAN building.

Employer: BSH Klima
Client: Ekolan

Installations of automatic ventilation and air conditioning TESCO Koszalin.

Employer : TRANE Polska
Client : TESCO

Installations HVAC for-Mercure Hevelius Hotel in Gdansk.

Employer: WARBUD S.A. Warszawa.
Client : ORBIS Grupa Hotelowa

Installation BMS, RMS, low voltage in Production Research center Pol-Nil in Warsaw.

Employer: LSMW Sp. z o.o. Total Life Science Solutions Oddział Polska

Installation BMS on air traffic control tower at the airport Szczecin-Goleniów.

Employer: KTS ELPOM S.A..
Client : Agencja Ruchu Lotniczego w Warszawie

Installation of automatic RMS in Warsaw pharmaceutical plant “Polfa”.

Employer: LSMW Sp. z o.o. Total Life Science Solutions Oddział Polska
Client : WZF „POLFA” w Warszawie

Installation of automatic air conditioning and ventilation in the semi technical department Polpharma Starogard Gdańsk.

Employer / Client: ZF POLPHARMA Starogard Gdański S.A.

Installation BMS in building of Gdansk Educational Publisher.

Employer / Client: Gdańskie Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne Sp. z o.o.

Electric installation and automation system in sewage treatment station.

Employer: EKOBUDEX Gdańsk
Client : KORAL compay, Tczew

Electric installation and automation system in sewage treatment station.

Employer: EKOBUDEX Gdańsk
Client: Poultry Slaughterhouse Crystow near Ujeść

Electric and low voltage installations in the main production building pharma company “FILOFARM in Bydgoszcz

Employer / Client: Pharmaceutical Cooperative Work FILOFARM in Bydgoszcz

Installation of BMS, RMS, Fire control in upgraded production facilities of Dried Form II – pharma plant Starogard Gdanski.

Employer / Client: ZF POLPHARMA Starogard Gdanski S.A.


Access control system, CCTV television, SSWiN.

Employer/Client: Torus Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa