Installation of automatic control and telemetry system in Information and Control Center for municipal water and sewage systems in the waterworks Toruń Sp. z o.o.

Employer/Client: Toruńskie Wodociągi Sp. z o.o.

Installation of automation system for technology nodes in ZF POLPHARMA (including dryers, granulators, installation of water distillation).

Employer / Client: ZF POLPHARMA Starogard Gdański S.A.

Installation of electric and automatic systems for – water tanks and pump station Karolewo – Municipal waterworks in Chojnice.

Employer / Client : Miejskie Wodociągi w Chojnicach

Installation of electric and automatic systems for sewage treatment station Gdańsk-East.

Employer: VEOLIA Water Systems Kraków
Client : Gdańska Infrastruktura Wodno Kanalizacyjna

Automation Installations – SCADA for ZUO Szadółki Gdańsk.

Employer : Elektrobudowa S.A.
Client : Zakład Utylizacyjny sp. z o.o.

ALCHEMIA Business Centre in Gdańsk. Access control system, CCTV television, SSWiN.

Employer/Client: Torus Sp. z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa

Plant automation and monitoring system for the collectors and sewage pumping station at the wastewater treatment plants- Gdańsk East.

Employer: Electrochem Grudziądz.
Client: Gdańska Infrastruktura Wodno Kanalizacyjna.

Installation of CCTV television and access control at the Gdańsk Airport. Integration of the CCTV system based on vision and network matrix switchers

Zamawiający / Inwestor: Port Lotniczy Gdańsk

Installation of automatic BMS, RMS, SAP Electric in renovated production facilities of Dried Forms II – Polpharma Starogard Gdańsk.

Employer / Client : ZF POLPHARMA Starogard Gdański S.A.

Installation fire control, CCTV, access control and automation HVAC on the semi -technic department in pharmaceutical plant Polpharma Starogard Gdanski.

Employer / Client: ZF POLPHARMA Starogard Gdanski

Modification of control system for mixers and aeration in biological reactors in Szosa Bydgoska water supply station-Toruń

Employer/Client: Miejskie Wodociągi Toruń Sp. z o.o.

Installation BMS in Warsaw pharmaceutical plant “Polfa”.

Employer: WZF „POLFA” Warszawa
Client : WZF „POLFA” w Warszawie

Installation of automatic BMS, RMS, fire alarm system in upgraded production facilities Dried Form II – ZF Starogard Gdanski.

Employer / Client: ZF POLPHARMA Starogard Gdanski S.A.

Modification of control system in municipal water supply station in Chojnice

Employer/ Client: MW Chojnice

Automation System for sand separator control Water Treatment Station Toruń

Employer/ Client: Toruńskie Wodociągi

Gas extinguishing system at server room, Polpharma, Starogard Gd.

Employer: ZF Plpharma SA
Client: ZF Plpharma SA

Installation HVAC and electricity in the infusion fluids department POLPHARMA.

Employer / Client: ZF POLPHARMA S.A.

Water treatment Station automation- Czersk Water Station

Employer/ Client: ZUK Czersk

Telecommunication and security installations for the fuel base PETROLOT Gdańsk.

Employer: Petrolot Sp. z oo
Client: Petrolot Sp. z o.o.

Automation of sewage flow to preliminary settling tanks – WWTP Gdańsk-Wschód

Employer/ Client: Gdańska Infrastruktura Wodociągowo-Kanalizacyjna Sp. z o.o.

Access Control Installations – office and service facility Arkońska Stage I.

Employer / Client: TORUS Sp.z o.o. in Gdansk

Remote supervision of a CHP unit -Remote System of data collection and analysis, remote supervision of the wastewater treatment process of the thermal treatment of sludge (ITPO)in wastewater treatment plant

Employer/ Client: Gdańska Infrastruktura Wodociągowo-Kanalizacyjna Sp. z o.o.

HVAC Automation System in laboratory site, Polpharma, Starogard Gd.

Employer: ZF Polpharma SA
Client: ZF Polpharma SA

Electric and low voltage installation in the building NZOZ “Eter-MED” Gdansk.

Employer / Client: NZOZ “ETER-MED” Gdańsk19

Installation of monitoring CCTV and access control – Airport in Gdańsk.

Employer / Client: Airport in Gdańsk

Automation, controller system for monitoring media parameters for the production line, machine protection systems in accordance with the Machinery Directive in POLPHARMA pharmaceutical plants in Duchnice

Employer / Client: ZF POLPHARMA S.A.

Sewage Pump Plant automation system – OŚ Igły, PŚ Zielona




Installations HVAC BMS , CCTV , SSWiN for the complex – TORUS Arkońska Business Park

Employer: TORUS Sp. Komandytowa
Client:TORUS Sp. Komandytowa

Dr Oetker Władysławowo – industrial automation installations

Client: Dr Oetker
Employer: EKOBUDEX

Electrical and low voltage installations in the building “ETER-MED” in Gdansk

Employer / Client: NZOZ “Eter-MED” Gdańsk

System BMS for Pomeranian Traumatology Center

Employer: Asseco Poland SA
Client: Pomeranian Centre of Traumatology

Automation and electric installations for Municipal Sewage Treatment facility Gdańsk-East.

Employer: VEOLIA Water Systems Krakow
Client: Water and Sewage Infrastructure Gdansk

Modernization of BMS system on the Air Traffic Control Centre in Gdańsk

Employer: Polish Air Navigation Services Agency
Client: Polish Air Navigation Services Agency

Wastewater treatment plant in Wąbrzeźno – automation system and electrical installations

Client: Miejski Zakład Energetyki Cieplnej Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. Wąbrzeźno,
Employer: Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlano-Inżynieryjne SANMEL Brodnica

Electric installations in the facility of Polpharma SA.

Employer/Client: ZF Polpharma S.A.

CCTV System, SAP for power plants in Elbląg

Employer: Elektromontaż Gdańsk S.A.
Client: Elektrociepłownia Elbląg

Wastewater treatment plant in Czersk – extending of automation system

Client / Employer : Zakład Usług Komunalnych  Sp. z o.o. in Czersk

Telecommunication installations LAN, sound system at a hangar at the airport Gdańsk

Employer: Przembud Gdańsk S.A.
Client: Port Lotniczy Gdańsk

Security system installations at the facility Arkońska Business Park phase II.

Employer / Client: Torus Inwestycje


Industrial Automation and electrical installations

Employer : Biogradex Sp. z o.o.

Client : Municipal Company MIERZEJA sp. z o.o. Stegna

Telecommunication installations : CCTV, KD, LAN, on the mucus at the Airport Gdańsk

Employer: Przembud Gdańsk S.A
Client: Port Lotniczy Gdańsk

Low Voltage and security installations for the fuel base PETROLOT Gdańsk.

Employer: Petrolot Sp. z o.o.
Client: Petrolot Sp. z o.o.

Cargo Building at Gdańsk Airport – electrical and low voltage installations

Employer: : Elwoz Sp. z o.o.
Client : Airport Gdańsk

System of CCTV, SSWiN, access control for the installation of thermal treatment of sludge in Gdańsk wastewater treatment plants- Gdańsk East

Employer: Elektromontaż Gdańsk S.A.
Client: Oczyszczalnia Ścieków Gdańsk Wschód

NZOZ ETER-MED Gdańsk  – electrical installations in clinic headquarter

Client : ETER-MED. Nieruchomości Sp.  z o.o.
Employer : MJ Budownictwo Sp. z o.o.

BMS and telecommunication systems in the Heavy Ion Laboratory of Warsaw University.

Employer: M + W process Industries
Client: University of Warsaw

Sewage Pump Plant automation system – OŚ Igły, PŚ Zielona

Employer/Client : MW Chojnice

Access control system on the Managing Board Building in the Airport of Gdańsk

Employer/Client: Port Lotniczy Gdańsk

Modernization of Terminal T1 in Gdańsk Airport – electrical and telecommunication

Employer: Doraco Construction Corporation
Client: Airport in Gdańsk

Cargo Building at Gdańsk Airport – electric al and low voltage installations

Employer: : Elwoz Sp. z o.o.
Client : Airport Gdańsk

Modernization of Terminal T1 in Gdańsk Airport – electrical and telecommunication installations: SAP,DSO,CCTV, KD, LAN, BMS

Employer: Korporacja Budowlana DORACO S.A.
Client: Port Lotniczy Gdańsk

Federal Mogul Gdańsk- AKPiA systems – elimination of zones EX

Employer: Federal Mogul Bimet S.A. Gdańsk
Client: Federal Mogul Bimet S.A. Gdańsk

BOWIL – production plant of medical, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics Bowil Biotech in Władysławowo- electrical installations, low voltage installations , building automation system

Employer/Client: Bowil sp. z o.o.

Wastewater treatment plant Mieszkowice – industrial automation installations

Client : Mieszkowice community
Employer : ECOL- UNICON

Kooperol Swarożyn – industrial automation installations

Client : Kooperol
Employer: EKOBUDEX

BIBUS MENOS – electrical installations, BMS System


Wastewater treatment plant automation system – Lorenz Bahlsen / Wrocław

Employer: EKOBUDEX Sp. z o.o.
Client: Lorenz Bahlsen

Wastewater treatment plant automation system – Inletta Krzywań /Słupsk

Employer: EKOBUDEX Sp. z o.o.
Client : Inletta sp. Z o.o.

Fibre-optic communication for industrial process network , computer stations for remote process viewing, data for server-DEGREMONT-ITPO-FO.

Employer: Elektromontaż Gdańsk S.A.
Client: Gdańska Infrastruktura Wodociągowo-Kanalizacyjna Sp. z o.o.

Sewage Pump Plant automation system – OŚ Igły, PŚ Zielona

Employer/Client : MW Chojnice

Potable water tanks „Sobieski” in Gdańsk electrical and low voltage installations

Employer :HUSAR Budownictwo Inżynieryjne Sp. z o.o. Włocławek
Client : GIWK Gdańsk

Electrical installations, low voltage and automation – Police Headquarters in Kartuzy.

Employer: Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane „ KAJA”
Client : Police headquarters in Gdańsk

Sewage Treatment Plant in Stegna – Industrial Automation and electrical installations

Employer: Hydrobudowa Gdańsk S.A.
Client: Municipal Company MIERZEJA sp. z o.o. Stegna*

Sewage Treatment Plant in Przodkowo – Industrial Automation installations

Employer: ZHPU „HIRSZ” , Stężyca
Client: Community Przodkowo

Security system for company parking lot in Polpharma pharmaceutical plant

Employer: ZF Plpharma SA
Client: ZF Plpharma SA

Electrical installations in the warehouse Kowale – Torus.

Employer: TORUS Sp.Komandytowa
Client: TORUS Sp. Komandytowa

Electrical installations in commercial center, Biedronka in Gdynia

Employer: Bud agency. Czaplicki-Cieslak
Client: Geronimo Martens